Thursday 12 March 2020

DOOM Eternal Day 1 Patch

by Gamezey_Screenshots
 I often twist the Mad Max Fury Road quote to say: My name is Asha, my life is updates and loading screens, though much more bland than fire and blood it couldn't be much closer to the truth. Sadly it also seems that this will be a consistent in our future. 

On day one fans of id Softwares DOOM Eternal will need to download a sizeable 5GB update. Not too awful, but still a pain for those wanting to get in on the action sooner rather than later. The game boasts a large and expansive 22 hour long campaign that will take up 38.64GB with a separate installation for the Battle Mode. It would be great if more companies followed suit with if Software and had separate installations for multiplayer and solo sections of the game. 

by Dragon78

The new Modern Warfare tempted me but I’m not remotely interested in the multiplayer aspect and can’t spare 100GB of space. Similarly with Red Dead Redemption 2 it would be nice if I could remove the Story Mode having already completed the game and just have the Online content. Think of the space we could save!

Despite the extra day 1 download, the time spent in preparation will be more than be worth it, as the game boasts a locked frame rate of 60 frames per second. It will look fantastic!

To all of those who have pre-ordered the game: Happy killing Slayers!

by me